På agendan står väl att prova lite aussie öl men även rom hade tydligen väldigt hög status tidigt i Australiens histora. På Wikipedias web kan man läsa följande rader: Although beer is now the most popular alcoholic drink in Australia, this was not always the case. The drink of choice for the first settlers and convicts was rum –
Rum was so popular, and official currency in such short supply, that for a time it became a semi-official currency (Rum corps) and even led to a short-lived military coup, the Rum rebellion in 1808. Drunkenness was an enormous problem in the early colony. Lite Aussie Beer länkar: |
Lite Aussie Sayings:
Good onya! (well done)
It’s gone walkabout (it’s gone missing)
To Kick the bucket ( to die)
To bring a plate (to bring a plate of food to a function)…This one often confuses new comers to our country..they often show up with an empty plate thinking that is what is meant by this saying.
Ridgy-didge (original or genuine)
Lär bli grymt, det där! Ni får ha så trevligt. Jag kommer att tänka på er där jag sitter framför brasan med en flaska whiskey i en stuga sisådär en och en halv meter under snön.