Australia Day, a.k.a Anniversary Day, Foundation Day och Invasion Day, är den officiella nationaldagen i Australien. Firas den 26 Januari, dagen då den ”Första Flottan” bestående av 11 skepp anlände 1788 till kontinenten, starten på den Brittiska koloniseringen av Australien.

På agendan står väl att prova lite aussie öl men även rom hade tydligen väldigt hög status tidigt i Australiens histora. På Wikipedias web kan man läsa följande rader:

Although beer is now the most popular alcoholic drink in Australia, this was not always the case. The drink of choice for the first settlers and convicts was rum –

Cut yer name across me backbone
Stretch me skin across yer drum
Iron me up on Pinchgut Island
From now to Kingdom Come.
I’ll eat yer Norfolk Dumpling
Like a juicy Spanish plum,
Even dance the Newgate Hornpipe
If ye’ll only gimme Rum!
Traditional Convict Song.

Rum was so popular, and official currency in such short supply, that for a time it became a semi-official currency (Rum corps) and even led to a short-lived military coup, the Rum rebellion in 1808.

Drunkenness was an enormous problem in the early colony.

Lite Aussie Beer länkar:

  • International Beer Guide
  • The Aussie Beer Baron
  • Sydney Morning Herald; idiosyncrasies of Australian beer
  • Beer Guide (Australia)
  • Vegetarian Beers in Australia

  • Lite Aussie Sayings:

    Good onya! (well done)

    It’s gone walkabout (it’s gone missing)

    To Kick the bucket ( to die)

    To bring a plate (to bring a plate of food to a function)…This one often confuses new comers to our country..they often show up with an empty plate thinking that is what is meant by this saying.

    Ridgy-didge (original or genuine)

    1. Ronnie 19:01, 22 Jan 2021

      Lär bli grymt, det där! Ni får ha så trevligt. Jag kommer att tänka på er där jag sitter framför brasan med en flaska whiskey i en stuga sisådär en och en halv meter under snön.

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